
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday Watercolors; Clouds, Tuscany and Dreams of a Lottery Win

It's Sunday and I'm here to share two watercolors with you:

Even if I wanted the clouds to be the main "attraction", they were what I was fascinated with when I strted tha painting,  but it is funny how you, by composition can lead the viewers eye in a certain direction .  In the top picture your eye will automatically be drawn towards the house because the lake shore will take you there (-:

The second one is just a fast sketch of a tuscan scene - oh my would I want to live there... If I ever win the lottery I'd buy an apartment on Beacon Hill in Boston, a and a small Winery in Tuscany and summerhouse on Martha's Vineyard ...

If you want to see more of my watercolors you can either click the "My Watercolors" button in the top list or in my Watercolors file on Pinterest;

 (OBS - the paintings there are not only by me, though I wish because I've collected som favorites)

Have a great Sunday, Hugs, Karin


  1. Just gorgeous, Karin.. if you win, will you fly me wherever you choose to paint for one day? I'm amazed!
    =] Michele

  2. Blissful :) Love the sky on the first painting. I so want to be there....

  3. Always so impressed with your lovely watercolors! Good luck with that lottery wish :)

  4. These are amazing, I came to your blog to see your guest design for ADU but was drawn to these instead.

  5. As usual, I am totally impressed and in awe! Gorgeous scenes!

  6. Stunning work! You already won the lottery in tallent!
