
Saturday, February 5, 2011

What a great week!

What a scrappi'n good week it's been! This morning I learnt I was the lucky winner at Amy Tsuruta's super fun challenge Flashback Friday and I will also get to be the guest designer there for next month's challenge! Woooo hoooo (-: - like the always so sweet and positive Amy would have said!!! The challenge is awesome - you just have to check it out right away! The next one will be posted on Friday - the 11th - so get ready!
Hero Arts twittered about my post "Be Mine" on Friday which caused a nice "mountain" to rise in my visitor's stats (-:
Wednesday I won the monthly challenge (20 usd at Kraft Outlet) and I was spotlighted with one of my cards at Skipping stones!!!
I posted my first posts as designer for Cili in Papers and as February's Guest designer for Papperåsånt!
And on top of it all, the wonderful and supertalented Amy of Amy's Bobbles awarded me the Stylish Blogger award!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH - I'm so honoured !!! You just have to check out Amy's fabulous creations at her blog- so much inspiration there. And if you are not a papercrafter you could go there just to get a smile on your face - she's got the cutest picture of her sweet kids as her blogbanner - makes me smile everytime I visit!
The award comes with some obligations which I need to think about! I'll be back!
And today is Saturday - hubby is playing with little man = time for me to play with my stamps! YIPPIE! Could life be any better?

1 comment:

  1. AWWWWW!!! Karin!! You are so so sweet!! I really love that picture of my kids and thought it just made the perfect blog banner! Everyone is always say how cute they are and it just puts a smile on their face when they visit my blog! TOTALLY the goal I was going for!! And you are so welcome! I am so glad I found you (thanks to Maxie Fab!!) You have become such a good blogging buddy and you are such a super inspiration to me! I love your cards and am always so excited to see a new post from you! BIG BIG HUGS!!! MUAH!! TTYS!
