
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


There are some wonderful colors to play with if you want to join Embellish Magazines color trends challenge! I was inspired as soon I got the picture in my e-mail inbox.
I was also inspired to make another card for Moxie Fab World's Thank You challenge -poor Cath must be tired of visiting my blog by now...
I stamped my bg with Magical bg from Hero Arts and then dry embossed it with a polkadot folder from Provocraft.
Stamps are from Waltzing Mouse stamps and Lawn Fawn.

Also I just have to show you something I thought was such a fun coincidence and something that shows how small the world is after all.
The other day Kim Huges at Paper Smooches posted a fantastic piece of art - a portrait of a man she had painted in -88 when she was 17 - it is stunning - but that was not the only reason my mouth dropped to the floor - in -86 when I was 15 I had made a drawing of exactly the same man. I couldn't really believe what I saw. I've painted and drawn a lot since but I think my mum must have liked it because she put it in a frame and it has been up since - so it is a very "well known" drawing in my family (-:

Mine isn't nearly as good as Kim's - I just thought it was so fun that we, oceans apart had seen something special in this man's face when we were young so had to ask my mum to take a picture of it so I could show it here;

(Kim told me the photo was from an article in National Geographic which I had totally forgotten)

I was also inspired by this challenge:
Penny Black and More - Summer Blooms
Samuel Taylor's Challenge - Use die cuts

Have a great day, Hugs, Karin


  1. Your card is stunning Karin. I love the background, such a wonderful effect. Your drawing is amazing too and it is even more amazing that you and Kim drew/painted the same man!

  2. Isn't that an amazing story! You are both VERY talented! And I adore your card, Karin! Beautiful take on the challenge colors!

  3. What a small world! Your card is lovely, the mix of colors is so fun!

  4. Such a GREAT story about your works of art! And such a grrrreat card too, love the colors and the pretty rosette!

  5. So beautiful, Karin!! Love your take on the colors. The design is lovely and classy! Love your little story about the painting! We stampers do things alike...even that many years ago! What a fun coincidence! You are so talented with the drawing!!

  6. such a pretty flower and card; love the die cut mat! thank you so much for joining us at penny black and more this month for our summer blooms theme.

  7. Good morning Karin,

    Your card is a beautifully crisp and elegant feel to it.

    Thank you so so much for sharing the lovely 'Summer Blooms' with us at Penny Black and More this month.

    B x

  8. So fun how this blog community pulls us together in unexpected ways! Love the combination of colors on this card. Great idea to both stamp and emboss the background.

  9. Hey Karin! Thanks for linking this up to the Thank You Card Challenge for Stamp It! Cards Week in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  10. Wow! What a coincidence! Love your card!

  11. I'd seen your comment about your drawing, and was looking forward to seeing it. Isn't that crazy??? So cool.
    (And of course, a gorgeous card to go with!)

  12. Those colors look terrific, beautiful card. Amazing story. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.

  13. Hei,
    lovely and elegant card!
    Thank you for sharing with us at Penny Black and More Challenge, good luck;-))m

  14. Beautiful card, love the layout and the colours are gorgeous too.
    Thank you for joining the Summer Blooms challenge over at Penny Black and More @ Allsorts and good luck x Susan x

  15. I saw your comment on the PS blog and was so pleased you posted your artwork too...what an amazing coincidence!!
    Absolutely gorgeous card too, love the layout :0)
    Jenny x
