
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sunday Watercolors on a Thursday

Hi everyone!
I have been painting -I've just forgotten to blog about it! So today I have two paintings for you! If you've followed my other Watercolor posts you know that I've struggled with looseness - and still do - it takes so much time and so much practising to master it. I'm not even half way but here are two tries at least;

I used super talented artists Mulnik and Gintzburg as inspiration for these two!

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Thursday, hugs, Karin
ps. I have material for a Sunday post too this week - hope to see you here then (-:


  1. It's a Lovely day when you share your watercolors! I like the billowing cloud and the reflection in the water in the first painting. The barns are cozy in the second.

  2. Marvelous works Karin! The first one reminds me of hubby & son, they're off fishing today!

  3. Two beauties, Karin! I am amazed! Thanks so much for sharing these with us!

  4. LOVE them both, Karin! So beautiful!

  5. Wonderful! I'm so glad that you're continuing to paint/post these! You'll have Christmas gifts for everyone by December!

  6. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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