
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Watercolors - A Rabbit and a Dog!

It's Sunday and I'm here to share another watercolor with you:

The second one is more of a sketch - I'm still working on loosing up my painting, but don't want to waste my expensive paper while practising - think you can tell the quality difference just by looking at how differently the paint behaves/glowes in these two paintings.

If you want to see more of my watercolors you can either click the "My Watercolors" button in the top list or in my Watercolors file on Pinterest;

 (OBS - the paintings there are not only by me, though I wish because I've collected som favorites)

Have a great Sunday, hugs, Karin


  1. Wonderful images. You're so talented, Karin. Thanks for sharing all of your great work!

  2. Karin, you are such an inspiration! Both are absolutely stunning! I especially love the bunny! This summer while camping we saw quite a few cotton tails!

    As for my long 4 day weekend, the weather for camping was amazing! Cool and sunshine! We took Velcro, the 3-month old kitten, with us. This was his second camping trip! He did spectacularly! Wish we had more camping trips for this season, but alas we winterized the trailer today. Hope you enjoy your upcoming long weekend with your American friend.

  3. So beautiful!! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh Karin, that hound has stolen my heart... who cares what he's painted on, I love him. Okay. the bunny is really gorgeous, too!
    =] Michele

  5. Gorgeous work, Karin...seriously!!! Thanks for the link to your Pinterest board!
