
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mama Elephant and ME #5 November - Hello Christmas

Hi Everyone!!!

Today I'm here to introduce another fun challenge at  Mama Elephant and ME. 
This time we challenge you to make a Holiday Tag or a Holiday Card:

For my card I used stamps from ME called In my Heart and Cosmic Stars and Just Hatched

 It is super easy to play along, just create something inspired by the picture above using stamps from Mama Elephant. You can play along as many times as you want to before the deadline which is  for your chance to win a ME stamp set of your choice - YIPPIE!!!

Be sure to check out what my super talented teamies have created for more inspiration of how to interpret this picture! Hope to see you at ME and ME!

I'm also entering this for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge; Anything goes 

Have a wonderful day, hugs, Karin


  1. She's totally perfect for Christmas themed makes! Such a sweet tag, Jo x

  2. I just want to give her a hug, she's so stinking cute!!

  3. Uber uber cute Karin, this is actually a little work of art!

  4. Sweet sweet sweet!! Love this Karin!!

  5. Goodness, this is so cute! Love the image! Glad you enjoyed meeting with your US friends!

  6. This is absolutely adorable! I love it! Thanks so much for playing along with us for Anything Goes week on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge Blog!
