
Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunday Watercolors; Another Swedish West Coast scene!

It's Sunday and I'm here to share another watercolor with you:

This time I'm not sure wether I like my painting or not - tried to crop it to see if I liked it better that way - but I still don't know... I think I like the water and the sky, but maybe the house or the front rocks are what disturb me... Well, here it is anyway!

If you want to see more of my watercolors you can either click the "My Watercolors" button in the top list or in my Watercolors file on Pinterest;

 (OBS - the paintings there are not only by me, though I wish because I've collected some favorites)

Have a great Sunday, hugs, Karin


  1. IF asked? I really like number two, Karin... I love having the artists perspective from the rocks... and LOve the dark cloudy sky... well, I love everything about both, really.... but that's a given...
    =] Michele

  2. I think they are wonderful! What a beautiful place you live!!!

  3. Gorgeous. I prefer the first because I find the front rocks in the second one a bit obtrusive - which is the other way round from Michele so just shows that everyone has a different eye! I would hang either on my wall :)

  4. Åh, så bra du är! Gillar den översta mest! Tack från hon som köpte Inzpira!
    God Jul

  5. I think it is wonderful! Hoping you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous, as I think all of your paintings are, Karin!

  7. Karin - seriously awesome! I love seeing your paintings in my reader. You are an amazing artist~ TFS
