
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My Favorite Things; Creative Construction with Blueprints; Scallops



Here are a few words from MFT about this awesome challenge.
We love Blueprints because they take the guesswork out of crafting beautiful cards in quick fashion when we’re short on time or inspiration. We also love them for their versatility and ability to be mixed and matched when we have the time and inspiration to create something truly unique. Our Creative Construction Challenge focuses on these attributes each month, challenging the team to both assemble a card based on one of the provided Blueprints sketches as well as design an original card combining elements from the featured Blueprints.

If you haven't discovered them already there are lots of "older" bluprints that are perfect sketch inspiration. You can find them all HERE!

Hope I've inspired you to try them too!

Make sure you vist the MFT blog where there are links to my super talented teamies for more inspiration on how to take your MFT supplies even further!

Wishing you a great day, hugs, Karin

If you want to see more of my MFT cards, you can visit my My Favorite Things board on Pinterest:




LJD You're the Sweetest
totally-happy (sentiment)

Wishing you a great day! Hugs, Karin





  1. Such cute cards! That ice cream cone looks so real!

  2. Wonderful ice cream and I love the little kitty! The long scallops make the ice cream look like it's in a shoppe!

  3. The ice cream on your cards looks good enough to eat! The kitten is so very cute too and I love the design on that card too. Anne x

  4. What a cute ice-cream cone!! Theses are adorable Karin!!

  5. Wow! That first card is unbelievable awesome!!

  6. Wow! That first card is unbelievable awesome!!

  7. Such fabulous cards and love the how the ice cream in the first card looks good enough to eat.

  8. Awwww... this is just the cutest! Ever!
