
Monday, October 12, 2015

Wonderful Watercolors for SSS and a Sunday Watercolor on a Monday !

Hi Everyone!

 It was not till today, when I saw the new challenge at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge called Wonderful Watercolors that I realized how long it was since I posted a Sunday Watercolor.
Well, it isnpired me to go through my unshared paintings and also enter a card for the challenge:

I will have to make a new New Year's resolution for 2016  because I miss painting, but without that promise of a post every Sunday I seem to keep putting it off. Those of you who follow me know that I made a promise for 2014 to post a watercolor each Sunday and actually kept that promise - but painting and posting watercolors during 2015 have been much more sporadic.

Anyway here's a watercolor sketch from this summer. It was painted during a visit to Visby on Gotland (the large island off the east coast of Sweden)

Have a great day, hugs, Karin

My watercolors from last year can be viewed by clicking the  My Watercolors button (-:


  1. This is a really lovely card Karin and I seem to recognise the stamps as those by Stacey Yacula which are really so cute and pretty. I love your watercoloured background too.

  2. I hadn't realized how much I missed seeing your watercolors. This is another really stunning beauty. Love this landscape! And your watercolored card is just a delight. Love that little bunny and the field and woods he's walking through. I'm so in awe of your talent. Beautiful painting, sweet card. Bev

  3. I have greatly missed the Sunday watercolors, so I'm hoping for a new resolution. These are both beautiful, you have such a gift!

  4. Men så vackert Karin! Visby är mitt andra hem och jag älskar verkligen denna bild. Hoppas att du kommer igång och målar mer, du har verkligen en gåva för det. Kortet är ju också fantastiskt fint :-)

  5. I've asked for more, and so happy you've given us another of your fantastic paintings, Karin! Just gorgeous - makes me want to pack my luggage! Darling little Purple Onion scene ... which has reminded me to get over there and buy a few more of these darlings! Thank you!
    =] Michele

  6. No one does a watercolored card like you do Karin, this is incredible!! Pretty painting too. Looks like a place I would love to visit!

  7. This is such a beautiful creation! The colors are awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  8. Vilken jättefin akvarellskiss av Visby! Helt underbar! Och ditt kort är jättegulligt. Tack så jättemycket för att du länkade till oss på Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  9. Wow! I love your work. Your bunny card is endearing.

  10. These are both beautiful! I love your watercolor sketch on have captured it beautifully and the colors are masterful. Hugs, Maura
