
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

30 in 30 days - day 12 and 13


I'm trying to find time to do : Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 days painting challenge. You can read all about it here; But I seem to be constantly behind in posting them.
Anyway, here are day 12 and 13 :

I use Winsor Newtons Artists' (- Professional as they now are called )watercolors and Daniel Smith's extra fine watercolors. The paper I use is 140lb Arches rough or fine.
I also share my watercolors and cards here:  My Instagram
If you want to see more of my watercolors, you can view them HERE or in my PINTEREST FOLDER

Have a greatday, hugs, Karin Picture


  1. Karin! These are really breathtaking. You should sell them. :)

  2. These are both super Karin. I especially like the bird - such a nice watercolour effect.

  3. Wow, these are fabulous! I'm so impressed that you are able to create so many amazing works of art in a relatively short amount of time. And that you have time to post them, too! :) Hugs! That bird is so neat and those petunias look so pretty and delicate. :)

  4. Your paintings are all so beautiful. I enjoy every one you create!

  5. We have ginormous Crows here ... yours is much less scary =] =] and I cannot wait to plant some Morning Glories in our newest garden! Fabulous... always!

  6. Oh wow! Your art is always so inspiring!
