
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Watercolor: Rocks - Archipelago

Hi Everyone!

It is Sunday and time for Sunday watercolor. Today I'm sharing an archipelago scene.

I use  Daniel Smith's extra fine watercolors and Winsor and Newton's professional colors with the best lightfastness. The paper I use is 100%cotton  140lb 300 grams Arches rough or fine.
I also share my watercolors and cards here:  My Instagram
If you want to see more of my watercolors, you can view them HERE or in my PINTEREST FOLDER

Have a great day, hugs, Karin

WATERCOLOR LOVERS:  Featured here:

You will also find my artwork shared here:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Fabulous work. You are so very talented, Karin and I love it when you share your work.
