
Saturday, March 30, 2019

MFT Stamps Birthday Project


Today I'm playing along with the Birthday Project at MFT stamps with this card:

I also share my cards and watercolors here:  My Instagram and  in my PINTEREST FOLDER
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM !Image result for pinterest logo

Have a great day, hugs, Karin


  1. Delightful and charming is what this card is, Karin. That little girl is just so sweet. I like the colors you chose and your shading is wonderful. That little bunny stole my heart. The choice of the flowered paper for the background reminds me of wallpaper. So pretty! Thank you very much for sharing. :)

  2. This is SO SWEET!! I love the paper you used behind the PI girl and your coloring is PERFECTION!! Totally fabulous card!!

  3. Oh goodness Karin, how sweet! A new favor from you!
