Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sunday Watercolor; Birds

   Hi Everyone!

Sunday Watercolor; Birds It is Sunday and time for Sunday Watercolor! Here's today's painting: 

I use Daniel Smith and Winsor Newton's Artist watercolors (lightfast) and Arches and Fabriano Artistico  140 lb (300gr)  cold pressed paper. 

I also share my watercolors on Instagram HERE  

Visit my Watercolor Gallery HERE.

and on Pinterest HERE:

Contact me (top list) for info about comissions etc.


Jeanne said...

Oh my goodness, these are gorgeous! Those eyes! You always get me with the eyes. I can imagine these framed and hanging on a wall. Thanks so much for sharing your talents, Karin! We are blessed!

Lisa Elton said...

These are magnificent, Karin!